The folks at Instructables partnered with Sugru to ship us a bunch of Sugru to try out and come up with cool hacks. If your are interested in checking out this product and trying out your own Sugru based idea we’ll have it around for the Open Hack on July 18th.
Come on out and see what we’ve got going on. If you’d like to talk about Sugru ideas feel free to pop into the discussion list or hang out in IRC.
If you’re looking for some inspiration check out all the Sugru on Instructables.
Who: You and your friends
What: Build Night with Sugru (we provide the Sugru)
When: July 18th 7-9pm
Where: 905 Harrison St. Allentown. (Hive 4a)
Price: Free
RSVP: Sign-up Here (
Bring your own stuff to hack on the Sugru with. Have some broken shoes? A favorite pair of scissors that needs a nub in just the right place? A backpack that needs a beautiful new colorful design on it? Bring it. We’ll have the Sugru.
Colors and Sugru packages will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. We’re prepared for 15 people to join us.