What’s up @MakeLV! (7/25/2017)

What’s up @MakeLV! (7/25/2017)

So it’s been a month and there’s a whole lot going on; brace yourselves for an influx of information.

Before we dive in, remember that this coming Saturday July 29th LVTech is visiting the space!  The LVTech Family Field Trip event starts at 11:30AM and will include some short presentations, food, activities, projects to look at, etc.  You can get more information and RSVP to the Meetup event here or here.

The board meeting was on Wednesday July 12th (minutes here, with new format by our Secretary Will!) and it was another busy one.  We made our new 3D printer decision and have purchased a KL Services Fablicator!  Once delivered, there will be a training held on the unit at the space on a weeknight evening around 6PM.  The exact date will be posted here and to the list, etc so the most folks possible can attend.  Many thanks to a number of members who stepped up and donated money to help us afford this – Ed, Will, Jared, Chris, Danny, Jonas and Richard.


After a very successful Space Pride Day on Saturday 7/8, we elected to purchase some other must-haves for the space:  A 6′ Werner step ladder to assist with getting to high shelves, two Bosch drill/drivers and a Makita drill driver to replace our terrible Harbor Freight unit, an upright vacuum for the lounge, and a floor attachment for our shop vac so we can keep the floor in the rest of the shop tip top.  I also don’t think I mentioned that we got a brand new, super quiet air compressor compliments of Ed and Jared a short while ago.

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about World Maker Faire this year and we’ve decided we WILL be running the trip!  We reserved a bus and got our group discount code.  We’ll be leaving Saturday September 23rd at 8AM and adult tickets wil be $75, with discounts for children and students available.  More info to come very soon.  Tickets will be available for purchase via an Eventbrite event that will be up once everything is finalized.

At member request, we’ve also joined our Slack and IRC channels!  All the traffic in either place is relayed to the other.  Our IRC channel is #makelv on Freenode, and members can request an invite to our Slack via email to the list or by contacting a member, tweet at us, or generally getting hold of us in any way 🙂

I have a mess of pictures to post from the past few weeks so look for that soon!

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