The Lehigh Valley Amateur Radio Club stopped by for a visit on Saturday, Jan. 18, which sounded like a great excuse for us to make stuff! So we gathered some materials and got to work building yagi antennas out of tape measures and PVC pipe.

We used the plans available at and it looks like they work great! 1.1 on the SWR meter is pretty darn good for a homemade antenna.

Interested in bringing your club to Make Lehigh Valley, or got an idea for an activity? Get in touch and we’ll make something happen! Send mail to
my name is John Gennaro ..Living in Bethlehem PA 18018. Club Ave
I have for sale some New in Box Items..
Chameleon Antenna..Complete Kit + CHA – TDL
CHA MPAS (Modular Portable Antenna System) 2.0 + Mini 200 w. $625
CHA SS17 X 2. $140
Everything is Brand new in Box wrapped from factory and never used. I would Take $600 or make offer
Payment upon inspection…
John Gennaro
718 813-3099 call or text for viewing or purchase