I just sent this email out to registered attendees of the workshop. If you haven’t registered yet, you will also want to see this.
We’re excited to have you all in for tonight’s workshop. At the moment, we have 14 registrations, and expect a few more throughout today and at the door.
Make Lehigh Valley and Hive 4A have a selection of soldering irons, solder, lamps, wire cutters and other supplies needed to get this class going. However, we will need to share between participants in the workshop given our current supply. If you have some of your own supplies for this that you can bring, that would help alleviate this hassle and help you focus on the work rather than where to get tools for the next step. If not, we’ve got you covered!
You may also want to consider bringing a laptop to program your new BoArduino and a USB-ttl cable. If you don’t already have the Arduino IDE loaded (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software), we will have it available on a USB key and can help you get setup.
Also, if you can come earlier or stay later to help setup and tear down, that is most welcome.
Hope to see you tonight!