A few of us around the MakeLV community are working through CodeYear’s lessons to help folks learn to code. So far it has been pretty basic. If you’d like to join us, it wouldn’t take much to catch up. This is a good skill to understand a bit more about the way computers and microcontrollers think. This coures is teaching javascript which is most commonly used for improving website interfaces, but the direction so far is teaching many basic skills which will make learning many other languages easier to pick up. Some of these concepts include variable scope, functions, conditional statements and code comments.
Each lesson comes with several exercises that you work through right on the website. As you complete exercises and lessons you earn badges like the one to the left. I’ve been through two weeks of stuff and have earned ten badges.
There is also an opportunity to learn some code. So far all the lessons have been in Javascript, but a quick look at the invitation to teach suggests that they are accepting many other languages. If you would like to write a few lessons with some exercises to share your expertise with others, this may be the place to look. Perhaps someone could share some lessons specifically for Atmega microcontrollers or even Arduino.
I hope everyone is keeping up with this!